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Working Designer Wednesday: Another Book Giveaway

A while back, I asked if anyone would be interested in design books from my library as I try to scale back my collection. Many of you responded “yes”, so I have another giveaway for you…this time a 3 pc. set…




These “notebooks” are full of gorgeous photos, design instructions, gardening advice and recipes. They have been well loved and referenced often…and now they need a new loving home. Are you interested? If so, just leave a comment and I’ll draw a winner on Friday at noon (CDT). Sorry, but these can only ship in the US.

Have a great Wednesday!



  1. would love to have!! great giveaway~

  2. Chuck says:

    Great collection! Would love to add them to my library!

  3. Courtnee says:

    Awesome giveaway!These would be great to start off my own library:)

  4. Okay, so shameless plug. I also have a contest going on over at my blog – this one is for a sugar scrub. If anyone knows how to mix scents it is floral enthusiasts and designers. So, uncouth as it may be, send interested parties my way, please:

  5. I would love to own these books! Such great reference, and so lovingly used to inspire beautiful things.

  6. Liz says:

    Oohh oohh, pick me! Pick me!! hahaha These look awesome, and I really do need to start a little floral library of my own. I have enough bridal magazines to last me a lifetime, but not so many books! 🙂 Great giveaway!!

  7. Vicki @ Bella Fiori-SJ says:

    I would love to own these books since they contain my 3 passions; floral design, gardening and cooking.

  8. oma /opa says:

    Wow ! If the covers are a clue… someone is in for a real treat ! I hope it’s me 🙂 They look gorgeous & I am not familiar with them.

  9. These look incredible!! I would love to have some inspiration and advice on making arrangements that are seasonally appropriate.

  10. Margaret in Austin says:

    I already own the first book you gave away, (to have and to hold). And as interesting as this three book set looks, please give it to another one of your readers.

    I was one of the winners of “Flower Confidential” in the book giveaway on the Great Flower Lady’s blog last month, (thanks again, Tracy, great book!) so I would like to suggest you give these books to her!

    And I LOVE your blog!


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