No time to stay on top of new, relevant, and helpful floral resources? We know you're busy.                       

We've got you!

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And you want to stay on top of new products, services, and techniques that'll keep you at the top of your game. But, there's so much out there! 

From new courses and forums to podcasts, books, and products.  

  • Where do you start? 

  • Who do you trust for recommendations? 

  • How can you keep up with the break-neck pace of the floral profession?


I need help keeping up!

Anne durham


amy dunlap

stemz | NOrth Carolina

Janelle Gerestein

Flowers by janie | calgary, canada

What you're doing is so great - and needed! Very valuable and relevant content I wouldn't either know to look for or how to source. I'm a pretty decent fact-finder, info gatherer and I have run across content I would have never located.

I absolutely love the 'personal feel' of Bloom Trust Co! I'm blown away by the amount of information. Aspiring designers have hit the jackpot!!!  I remember digging for hours trying to find information when I started out. Bloom Trust Co is an affordable/convenient option!

I love getting emails from BTCO. I subscribe to many floral industry newsletters and this is the one I'm most excited to open and read week after week! The newsletter is not only beautiful (as is the website), but every week it's filled with helpful tips and video links that encourage floral designers in their journey. 

what our members say

frustrated while trying to figure out how others find new products?

Overwhelmed by the amount of information you see on social media?

do you feel...

Unclear about who to trust when making a decision to invest in a new resource?

Nervous about being in a group of people you don't know, but wanting community?

Tired and lost when you see others on social media seemingly killing it with their flower businesses?

Resources you can trust

includes monthly meetups, media library, office hours, vetted product/education recommendations, weekly resource newsletter

JOIN the waitlist

WHat can you expect?

Product recommendations

An ever-evolving collection of vetted floral supplies and products you can trust. We gather personal recommendations from our BTCO members and industry peers we trust so you don't have to spend time asking around.

vetted resources + services

Recommendations on over 300 services and resources you might need to run a flower business - from computer and social media apps to floral software, helpful podcasts, specialty suppliers, and more. We're always listening for the resources that have proven helpful for others in our profession.  

VIDEO library

Dive into our video library of Q&As and tutorials with floral professionals. Miss one of our Monthly Meetups? You can catch the replay in the video library. Search every video in the library for content you're interested in with our unique search feature. 

monthly meetups + Office hours

Attend our monthly meetups by Zoom! Past guests speakers have included Joseph Massie, Holly Chapple, Natalie Gill, Francoise Weeks, Sue McLeary, Sweet Root Village, Lucy Hunter, and many more! Experiencing a real-time business challenge?  Drop by Office Hours and see how we can help. All this from the convenience of your home or studio!  

join the waitlist





I've been the wide-eyed flower lover daydreaming of starting a flower business. I've also been the floral designer trying to build a business while parenting young children and trying to figure out how to maintain the same level of curiosity and wonder I had before being engrossed in the day-to-day tasks of running a business.

Eventually, I transitioned into doing my best to support and encourage fellow floral professionals and aspiring florists along their own flower journeys. Researching and vetting the best floral resources while providing inspiration and encouragement is the name of the game for me these days. We call it Flowering with Purpose!

hey, I'm amy!

let's talk about

Who's invited to join?

Anyone looking for floral resources and flower community connections! BTCO was built for florists (both wedding/event and retail), but we also have members who are farmer florists, educators, and aspiring florists.

Do you provide education for members?

We host a monthly video tutorial, demo, or Q&A session with floral industry experts. But, our main objective is to curate a list of vetted floral workshops, classes, and courses taught by experienced educators you can trust so you can be confident in your choice when you choose to buy a course or attend a workshop. 

What Would you say is the most appreciated resource you offer?

Definitely our weekly newsletter! Each week, we deliver a curated collection of resources and products for BTCO members to check out during the week. We celebrate the accomplishments of individual members and share our collective tips, tricks, and new discoveries. Too busy to check the BTCO website on a regular basis? No worries, we're dropping manageable bits right into your inbox every single week. You'll learn about upcoming workshops, occasionally get special BTCO discounts, and hear what's working for fellow members. A fun perk of BTCO membership!

how do the monthly meetups work?

During our Monthly Member Meetup, we invite a special guest to host a Q&A, demo, or speak on a specific topic. The meetups are recorded and housed in the video library so members can catch the replays and refer back to them in the future. Members are welcome to submit questions for the speakers ahead of time as well as ask questions during the one-hour meetups as time allows.  A few of our past topics include:  Branding Strategies, Floral Installation Tips, Helping Your Business Run Without You, Hiring & Managing Freelancers, Building Brand Collaborations, and Photography for Florists. Plus so much more!

are there any other benefits to membership?

Yes! We have drop-in Office Hours and a private FB forum for our members to share resources that are working for them. We also strive to provide avenues to make connections with colleagues and industry vendors. Some powerful friendships and business connections have been made inside BTCO. We love that the most!

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