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Botanical Brouhaha Is 5!

This week marks 5 years since I took a chance on starting a blog about the flowers, floral designers and industry I’d grown to love while owning a studio. I never could have imagined the people I’d meet and the opportunities that would open up for me because of BB. I’m so grateful for each of you that has joined me along the way. So, this week, I want to have a little fun and do things a little differently to celebrate.


I’ve been holding on to a brand new copy of Fresh From The Field Wedding Flowers by Lynn Byczynski and Erin Benzakein to give to one of you this week. I can’t think of a better time to talk about this book. For me, this book reminds me of all the good I’ve experienced in my personal flower journey. When I started growing flowers years ago, I read Lynn’s book The Flower Farmer: An Organic Grower’s Guide to Raising and Selling Cut Flowers cover-to-cover and referenced it often. I looked forward to every issue of Growing for Market (Lynn is the founding editor and publisher). Over the course of the last 5 years, I’ve met some amazing growers and designers and featured their inspiring work on Botanical Brouhaha. Many of those designers/growers are featured designers in this book. And then there’s Erin…I felt like I’d hit the jackpot the day I discovered her website, Floret Flower Farm. She continues to grow and stretch her business while producing stunning designs with the exquisite flowers she grows.

So, let’s kick off this week with a chance for you to win a copy of Fresh From The Field Wedding Flowers. You’ll love the discussions on floral design basics, the step-by-step instructions, the extensive list of flowers with their bloom times, the video tutorials and the beautiful photographs of the work of some talented designers.

For a chance to win simply leave a comment at the end of this post. On Wednesday (July 23rd) at noon (Central Daylight Time), we’ll use a random drawing to choose a winner from those who left a comment. We’ll announce the winner on Wednesday afternoon. Good Luck!

Special Thanks to Lynn & Erin for sharing their book with the readers of Botanical Brouhaha!



  1. I would love to have this! I am always looking for new wedding flower inspiration!

  2. david dahlson says:

    Well, I am in. I think that your site is wonderful, as is that of Floret.

  3. Amy McManus says:

    Congratulations Amy!! I would love this book, looks great!

  4. Mimi says:

    We love your site – keep up the amazing work and happy anniversary!

  5. Faye K says:

    Congratulations! Can’t wait to see more.

  6. H Smith says:

    Congrats, thanks for providing a site that helps me and my business grow. Hoping that ‘Field to Vase’ would be another useful reference for me.

  7. Love this blog and the inspiration I get from it! And, of course, I would love to have my very own copy of Lynn and Erin’s book as well. Congratulations and thank you for all your work!

  8. Jessica says:

    Congratulations Amy!!! BB has been a daily visit for me for quite a while. Thank you for all you do!

  9. mpennant says:

    Congratulations on 5 years! Yours is the blog that I look forward to reading every week. Thank you for sharing your love of flowers!

  10. Congratulations! I enjoy your posts, thank you for the daily inspiration.

  11. Congratulations on 5 years. Love your blog and all the great education & inspiration. Would love to add This book to my collection.

  12. Fuschia Moss says:

    please, please, please pick me!!! Fuschia Moss Floral Design LOVES botanical brouhaha!!!

  13. Congrats Amy! It was through BB that I first learned of Francoise Weeks, who inspired me to become a professional floral designer. I love your blog!

  14. Lesa Atteo says:

    Oh, how I would love this book….

  15. Catherine Scott says:

    I look at your blog every day. Very inspiring. Thank you.

  16. Far Hills Florist says:

    Congratulations on 5 years! Your blog has been very inspirational for me. Thank you so much!!

  17. Susan says:

    That book is on my wish list! I was JUST looking at it this weekend 🙂

  18. Rochelle W. says:

    Oh man! I wish I loved in the NorthWest so I could purchase more easily from Floret. Excellent giveaway!

  19. Laurie Garza says:

    Oh! I’d love to have this. I’m amping up my growing this year and next, so it will come in handy.
    Congratulations on 5 years of writing and pretty pictures, and making connections happen for all of us. I am especially grateful for the contest you held in 2011; when I was chosen to go to Francoise Weeks’ workshop, and meet someone who has had such a profound impact on my life.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Congrats on 5 years! This book looks wonderful! 🙂

  21. floralgirl says:

    This looks like such a great book!I’ve learned so much from Lynn Byczynski and Erin Benzakein!

  22. Jaime says:

    Happy anniversary! Thank you for all that you do!

  23. Alicia Broehl says:

    Congratulations on 5 years Amy! I will never forget the day Holly told me to check out BB and all the wonderful things you were featuring on your blog. It became the 2nd blog I read on a daily basis right behind the Full Bouquet! Thank you for all you do for the industry. What a treat to win Erin and Lynn’s book!

  24. I would love to win this book, looking forward to start growing in the future! Congrats on 5 years I look forward to your new post every day.

  25. I can’t wait to get my hands on this book!!! Crossing my fingers to be the lucky one.

  26. Nicole Z says:

    Congrats! Would looove to get my hands on this book!

  27. Kei says:

    I’m so glad I found your blog last year! I look forward to checking it every day before I to work. Thanks for all the inspiration and motivation!

  28. Diane f says:

    Happy Birthday, this book would be a marvellous and inspiring help for me when I attempt my son’s wedding flowers in 10 week’s time!

  29. anastasia says:

    Happy Birthday! Thanks for being one of my favorite resources. 🙂

  30. Christina says:

    Thank you for your continued effort in building a community here for florist and growers and for the opportunity to win a copy of ‘Fresh From the Field Wedding Flowers’. Here’s to many more years of inspiration!

  31. Janet says:

    Happy anniversary! Thank you for 5 years of inspiration!

  32. Elissa says:


    Thank you for creating and sharing
    such a beautiful blog. I so look
    forward to your little corner of
    the world every day. Cheers to you
    and many more years of flowers!

  33. Love your blog, Amy! I’ve learned a lot, and look forward to seeing your posts everyday – even when I’m on vacation 🙂 Congrats on five years, and cheers to many more!

  34. Sue Anderson says:

    Congratulations on five years and thank you for the wonderful inspiration. I refer back to it over and over!

  35. Shaynablooms says:

    Love your site! Happy anniversary!

  36. Giverny Design says:

    Happy Anniversary Amy! Thank you for all that you do- BB is such a source of inspiration!

  37. Margaret in Austin says:

    Thank you, Amy for five flower filled years!

    Botanical Brouhaha is THE go-to source for inspiration, discussion, and connections with other flower people.

    Thanks for being YOU! (((((Amy)))))

  38. Happy Birthday, Amy & BB!
    This book was totally new to me, so I would love to win a copy! 🙂
    Birthday hugs from Sweden

  39. Maggie says:


  40. Eden Rice says:

    I’m so glad you started your blog. It is always such an inspiration to see what you post! Happy anniversary!

  41. Tricia says:

    Congrats Amy! I learned of BB blog while attending Francoise’s workshop in Portland some 4years ago. I have enjoyed it as my go to daily. So much info and the joy of seeing other talented designers work. You are the best and always listen to our questions. And then like magic, those questions pop up on your blog and so many great answers show up! It’s amazing and wonderful and helps us all do what we do everyday. Thanks you Amy for your dedication and constant pursuit of sharing, problem solving and most of all showcasing all the hard work that goes into this sometimes brutal profession.

  42. Marsha says:

    What a great give-away! Love your blog, as well as everything from Erin and Lynn.

  43. Anna says:

    Congratulations, Amy! The flower world is a better place because of you!! Here’s to many more years of Botanical Brouhaha!!!

  44. Alicia says:

    Five years! Congratulations! I hope I would enjoy your blog other five years at least, because I love it so much!
    And thanks for the oportunity to win this fantastic book. Here in Spain there is no much literature about wedding flowers, so it would be fantastic to win a copy of the book!!!
    Good luck!

  45. AH says:

    Thank you for the everyday inspirations! Growing my own flowers/foliage is something I have always wanted to dabble in. I would truly love to have this knowledge!

  46. June says:

    Love your blog – thanks for the inspiration! Look forward to it every morning.

  47. Meg S says:

    Getting married this May and my mom and I are hoping to do this flowers – this would be beyond helpful! Thanks!


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