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A New Look To Kick Off Our 6th Year

I’m thrilled to unveil the new Botanical Brouhaha site as we venture into another year filled with promise. I need to say ‘thank you’  to a few people before we continue down the road:

-Thanks to Kit Peltier, Emily Brenner, Janice Bear and Jenny Nelson…my dream team from the years I owned Bliss Flower Studio. You all inspired me, worked so hard to assure we were successful in fulfilling the dreams of our brides, made sure I ate on wedding days, supported one another and smiled as you designed. You became family and I think of you often. It was because of your encouragement that I researched the word “blog”. You opened up a new world for me when I was desperately missing my “flower people” and the day-to-day interaction with flowers. I love you four. You’ve given me so much over the years.

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Cori Cook Floral Design | Michele Hart Photography

– Thanks to all of you…my friends who read BB. Without you, the blog would be awfully boring! Thanks for your encouragement and inspiration over the years. You keep me passionate about writing.

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-Thanks to Holly Chapple. Your constant encouragement and belief in me and in the industry as a whole has pushed me into places I would have never explored. Your love for designers, both on a personal and a professional level, is inspiring. Watching you give of your knowledge and share opportunities that come your way with other designers…so freely and so often…has birthed a new culture in the flower industry. Thank you for giving and giving and giving. We are better because you weren’t afraid to share.

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Holly Heider Chapple Flowers | Abby Jiu Photography

-Thanks to Francoise Weeks and Liz Rusnac. Your constant friendship over the years has meant so much to me. Meeting you in person (finally) made 2014 a year to remember! I never dreamed writing a “little blog about flowers” would open the door to these precious relationships.

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Lila B | Page Bertelsen Photography

-Thanks to Sherry Donnelly, Francoise Weeks, Victoria Clausen, Jennifer Ederer, Holly Rutt and Michelle Van Eimeren. I’m humbled by your belief in the mission of BB and your encouragement in taking this new site from a dream to a reality. I will always be grateful for the role you played in this journey.

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Oak and The Owl

-Thanks to The Chapel Designers. You are possibly the biggest surprise to come my way since I started writing BB. I never could have imagined, back when I owned a studio and experienced the struggles and joys mostly alone, that there could be a group of passionate, talented, kind and generous designers willing to share all of this journey. I marvel at what you all have built as a result of Holly Chapple’s vision. You’ve proven that the industry doesn’t have to be a competitive battlefield…that we can accomplish so much more together…that, while flowers might be our passion, relationships are what matters most. You’re building a legacy that stretches across many states and countries. I’m grateful to know you.

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The Little Flower Farm

I really hesitated to start naming names, because there’s no way I could ever write a post long enough to mention all of the designers, bloggers and friends who have supported me along the way during my years in the floral industry. I read every comment, every email, every tweet you post. I treasure every card and gift you send. And I’m constantly grateful for the opportunity to connect with you, pass along inspiring work from amazing designers, share flower stories and encourage you when the opportunity presents itself.

Here’s to another year of a beautiful thing…



  1. Lisa says:

    Beautiful. I have enjoyed reading all these years and will continue to be inspired by your new site. Congratulations!

  2. Judy Morreale-Billotti says:

    I am a 53 year old floral designer who recently reopened her business after being out of designing world since 1993, (had to stop to pay attention to my growing son). For the last 2 years I have been just doing events, mostly weddings and I want you to know that I so look forward to your weekly postings. I learn a lot, see a lot, but most of all it’s nice to get a view of the community of people out in the floral world. When I shut my retail store, I still had to work part time and I took a job at one of my wholesalers, Associated of NJ. There I met so many young designers who I taught, encouraged, and hopefully guided into the wonderful world of flowers. I do believe that their is enough work at there for all of us, and if we as an industry help each other out it just makes us all better florist, but most of all people. Your blog plays that role for me. It has shown me there are like minded people out there in the floral world and keeps me inspired on a weekly basis. I just want to thank you, I discovered you at such an important time in my career. I wish you only continued success, and look forward to each and every post.

    Designs by Wildthings

  3. Coral Shortt says:

    Amy, congratulations – it’s beautiful.
    THANK YOU – for your inspiring blog and many lovely posts – I can’t remember how or when I found your blog, but I have been following for a couple of years now and think it is how I discovered Holly & the Chapel Designers as well as the amazing Francoise. As a result, I now have a connection to INCREDIBLE people in faraway places that I never dreamed I’d be able to connect with.
    And thank you for recently featuring some of our work on your blog – to have our work held up next to other such fine designers is a huge honour and encouragement to Chantell (my business partner) and I.
    Can’t wait to see more posts.
    God Bless you & others through this blog.
    Coral x

  4. Laurie Garza says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to meet one of my favorite floral artists, Francoise. You’ve been opening doors for people for a long time and continue to do so. Site looks great!

  5. Amy, you are such an encourager but faithfully writing about our shared passion. It’s such a blessing to read and see all the beautiful images you find from all over the world created by those who are crazy for botanicals. Thank you and here’s to another wonderful year for you!

  6. Diane Freeman says:

    Your new site looks great, you are going from strength to strength! I am just a humble lover of flowers and gardens and all things botanical. I love to forage and glean and play with flowers and foliage . . . simple pleasures.
    I look forward to the end of a hard day’s work, when I collapse into bed with my laptop to drink in the beautiful images on your site . . I could be that creative . . . in my dreams!!
    With many thanks for all your hard work and inspiration

  7. Well this is very exciting! Congratulations on the new site (it looks beautiful!) and many, many thanks for all the inspiration and encouragement over the years. You are a true gem in the floral community!

  8. Dearest Amy,

    I am so happy for you! Botanical Brouhaha ha been an inspiration to me for many years that led me to finding my Chapel Designers family. I will always be grateful and continue to support you and all you do for this industry 🙂 I hope to meet youin person someday xxx

  9. The new design is wonderful! Having gone through a redesign recently, we know how much time you must have devoted to creating this beautiful space. Congratulations!!!

  10. I thank you! This post made me cry, I am constantly learning and being inspired by the work of all the talented designers you share and feature on your blog! It is an encouragement to us all, but me personally. Thank you!


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